First Rate Prices

For your peace of mind, when it comes to our charges, we like to keep things clear and simple. We believe in being transparent to make sure there are no hidden surprises and we will keep you informed at every stage. Here’s how we charge for different jobs.



Skilled Trades


All rates are subject to VAT. The labour rates above do not include the cost of any materials used or disposed of, which will be itemised separately. Invoices will be issued within seven days of the job completion. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.

FRM's Terms

Before you book First-Rate Maintenance, please make sure you read our terms as they’re legally binding.


The price we quote you is an estimate and if the job is going to escalate, we’ll keep you informed, so you’re never in the dark about how much you’re going to pay.


You may pay more if you ask us to carry out work out of hours, for example, evenings, at weekends and bank holidays.


If you want to go ahead with the work, we’ll ask you to check our terms and tick to say you agree to them.

Please read our full terms here

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